An obsolete component stock still available at JLG Electronique

The job of JLG Electronique is to find obsolete or difficult to obtain electronic components for you.
JLG Electronics has been active in this business since 1997, so much so that we know where to find the missing electronic parts to succeed in your assembly of components defined by your layout plan.
To succeed in these missions, the JLG Electronics store has a stock of several thousand electronic parts and works with a worldwide network of loyal partners specialized in international electronic sourcing.

The obsolete electronic components available in our stock according to their preferred field of application

Among the obsolete electronic components available at JLG Electronique, we find:
• connectivity
• electronic capacitors, …
• electronic resistors, …
• transistors, diode, power electronics…
• cards, automatons, screen…

Discover our catalog of electronic components available at JLG Electronique

To download our catalog of obsolete electronic components, please go directly to our downloading page.

With JLG Electronique, ensure the management of your electronic equipment

In 1960, the life cycle of electronic components was around 25 years old.
Today, the life cycle has been reduced between 3 and 5 years! (source
The obsolescence of your electronic components becomes a real risk if you do not anticipate these issues for your company.
Moreover, as this market is lucrative, there is more and more on the market of counterfeit obsolete electronic components.

That is why, by choosing to work with JLG Electronique, an actor recognized on its market since 1997, you will be able to manage with complete serenity the obsolescence of your components, and therefore of your associated electronic cards.
Our e-shop allows you to limit risks, control costs, and offer you a product availability over several years.

Have another question about our obsolete electronics? You have a real need and wish to exchange with us?
Contact us on +33 (0) 1 69 72 12 75 or leave us a message on to inform us of your need.